Air Toxics Notebook
Equipment Leaks of Hazardous Organics from Non-SOCMI Sources -  Subpart I

Applicability: eCFR Subpart I []

This subpart applies to:
  1. Any of the following processes located at a Major Source of HAPs*:
    1. Styrene-butadiene rubber production;
    2. Polybutadiene rubber production;
    3. Agriculture chemical production of: Captafol, Captan, Chlorothalonil, Dacthal, orTordon acid;
    4. Polymer/resin production of: Hypalon, OBPA, polycarbonate, polysulfide rubber, chlorinated paraffin, or symmetrical tetrochloropyridine;
    5. Pharmaceutical production using carbon tetrachloride or methylene chloride;
    6. Polymer/resin production of: MBS, butadiene-furfural cotrimer, MABS, or ethylidene norbornene.
*Major Sources of HAPs emit or have the potential to emit:
  • ≥ 10 tons/year of any single HAP; or
  • ≥ 25 tons/year of total HAPs.
  • Area Sources emit less than Major Sources.

Exempt from this Subpart:
  1. Research and development facilities or bench-scale batch processes
Rules apply to small, area sources? No
Known Sources in NDEQ Jurisdiction: No
Date of Original Final Rule: 4/22/94
Amendments Dates: 06/23/2003 - Final Rule
01/17/1997 - Amendments
06/20/1996 - Amendments
02/29/1996 - Final Rule
04/10/1995 - Final Rule & Amendments
01/27/1995 - Extension of Compliance
10/28/1994 - Amendments
10/24/1994 - Amendments
09/20/1994 - Corrections
State Regulations (Title 129): As of September 28, 2022: Title 129, Chapter 13, Section 002.05

Previously: Chapter 28, Section 001.23.

Sources are also responsible for ensuring they are in compliance with current federal requirements found for this subpart in the CFR.
Federal Regulations: 40 CFR 63.190
Related Rules:

NSPS - 40 CFR Part 60

Subpart Kb – Volatile Organic Liquid Storage Vessels
Subparts T, U, V, W, X & PP – Fertilizer Production
Subparts VV, VVa, III, NNN, & RRR – SOCMI Facilities

NESHAP - 40 CFR Part 63
Subpart F – Organic Hazardous Air Pollutants from the Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry (SOCMI)
Subpart G - Equipment Specific Organic Hazardous Air Pollutants from SOCMI
Subpart H - Equipment Leaks for Organic Hazardous Air Pollutants from SOCMI
Regulations and Federal Registers:
eCFR Subpart I []

(See attached file: 1I - Fed. Reg. 2003-06-23 - Final Rule.pdf)

(See attached file: 1I - Fed. Reg. 1997-01-17 - Final Rule; Amendments.pdf)

(See attached file: 1I - Fed. Reg. 1996-06-20 - Final Rule; Amendments.pdf)

(See attached file: 1I - Fed. Reg. 1996-02-29 - Final Rule.pdf)

(See attached file: 1I - Fed. Reg. 1995-04-10 - Direct Final Rule.pdf)

(See attached file: 1I - Fed. Reg. 1995-04-10 - Final Rule; Amendments.pdf)

(See attached file: 1I - Fed. Reg. 1995-01-27 - Final Rule; Extension of Compliance.pdf)

SizeFile Name
281 KB 1I - Fed. Reg. 2003-06-23 - Final Rule.pdf
1,901 KB 1I - Fed. Reg. 1997-01-17 - Final Rule; Amendments.pdf
151 KB 1I - Fed. Reg. 1996-06-20 - Final Rule; Amendments.pdf
142 KB 1I - Fed. Reg. 1996-02-29 - Final Rule.pdf
135 KB 1I - Fed. Reg. 1995-04-10 - Direct Final Rule.pdf
181 KB 1I - Fed. Reg. 1995-04-10 - Final Rule; Amendments.pdf
114 KB 1I - Fed. Reg. 1995-01-27 - Final Rule; Extension of Compliance.pdf
Important Dates:
FAQs, Fact Sheets, and Rule Summaries: Texas CEQ - Rule Flowchart []

EPA's HON Website []- Contains federal register notices and implementation tools

Presentations, Training and Articles:
Other Information and Resources:
Page Last Updated: 12/2/22