NSPS Notebook
Magnetic Tape Coating Facilities -  Subpart SSS

Applicability: eCFR Subpart SSS [ecfr.gov]

This subpart applies to:
  1. Affected facilities in the manufacturing of magnetic tape that commence construction, modification, or reconstruction after Jan 22, 1986.
Affected facilities:
  1. Coating operations;
  2. Each piece of coating mix preparation equipment.

Partial exemptions*:
  1. Any new coating operation that uses less than 38 m3 of solvent per calendar year;
  2. Any modified or reconstructed coating operation that uses less than 370 m3 of solvent per calendar year.
*These facilities must still comply with certain recordkeeping and reporting requirements. Please see the rule text for full details (per 40 CFR 60.710 (b)).

If the amount of solvent used exceeds the amounts specified above, the facility will become permanently subject to all requirements of this subpart, regardless of any future changes in solvent use.
Known Sources in NDEE Jurisdiction:
Date of Original Final Rule: 10/3/88
Amendments Dates: 02/12/1999 (64 FR 7467)
12/09/1988 (53 FR 49822)
11/29/1988 (53 FR 47955)
10/28/1988 (53 FR 43799)
State Regulations: Title 129, Chapter 12, Section 001.70

Previously: Chapter 18, Section 001.27
Federal Regulations: 40 CFR 60.710
Related Rules:

NESHAP - 40 CFR Part 63

Subpart EE - Magnetic Tape Mfg.
Regulations and Federal Registers: eCFR Subpart SSS [ecfr.gov]
FAQs, Fact Sheets, and Rule Summaries:
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Page Last Updated: 12/21/22