NSPS Notebook
Stationary Spark Ignition Internal Combustion Engines (SI ICE) -  Subpart JJJJ

Applicability: eCFR Subpart JJJJ [ecfr.gov]

This subpart applies to:
  1. Manufacturers of SI ICE with a maximum engine power ≤ 19 kW (25 HP) that are manufactured on or after July 1, 2008.
  2. Manufacturers of stationary SI ICE with a maximum engine power >19 kW (25 HP) that are gasoline fueled or that are rich burn engines fueled by liquified petroleum gas (LPG), where the date of manufacture is:
    1. On or after July 1, 2008; or
    2. On or after January 2009, for emergency engines.
  3. Manufacturers of stationary SI ICE with a maximum engine power >19 kW (25 HP) that are not gasoline fueled or that are not rich burn engines fueled by LPG, where the manufacturer participates in the voluntary manufacturer certification program that is part of this subpart where the date of manufacture is:
    1. On or after July 1, 2007: engines with a maximum power of ≥ 500 HP, except lean burn engines with a maximum power of 500 ≤ HP < 1,350;
    2. On or after Jan 1, 2008: lean burn engines with a maximum power of 500 ≤ HP < 1,350;
    3. On or after July 1, 2008: engines with a maximum power of < 500 HP; or
    4. On or after Jan 1, 2009: emergency engines
  4. Owners or operators of SI ICE that commenced construction after June 12, 2006, where the SI ICE are manufactured:
    1. On or after July 1, 2007: engines with a maximum power of ≥ 500 HP, except lean burn engines with a maximum power of 500 ≤ HP < 1,350;
    2. On or after Jan 1, 2008: lean burn engines with a maximum power of 500 ≤ HP < 1,350;
    3. On or after July 1, 2008: engines with a maximum power of < 500 HP; or
    4. On or after Jan 1, 2009: emergency engines with a maximum power of > 19 kW (25 HP).
  5. Owners or operators that modify or reconstruct their SI ICE after June 12, 2006.
The date that construction commences is the date the engine is ordered by the owner or operator. The installation date is the date the engine is installed at the plant site.

Alcohol-based fuels (i.e. ethanol, methanol) have the same requirements as gasoline fuel.

Not subject to this subpart:
  1. Any CI ICE being tested at a CI ICE test cell/stand.
  2. Any CI ICE used for national security (see fact sheet below).
  3. Temporary replacement engines that are certified nonroad engines and are on-site for less than 1 year.
Known Sources in NDEE Jurisdiction:
Date of Original Final Rule: 1/18/08
Amendments Dates: 08/10/2022 Final Rule
06/28/2011 (76 FR 37954)
10/8/2008 (73 FR 59177)
State Regulations: Title 129, Chapter 12, Section 001.81

Previously: Chapter 18, Section 001.82
Federal Regulations: 40 CFR 60.4230
Related Rules:

NSPS - 40 CFR Part 60

Subpart IIII - Compression ignition RICE

NESHAP - 40 CFR Part 63
Subpart ZZZZ - RICE
Subpart PPPPP - Engine test cells & stands

Non-Road Engine Rules
40 CFR 90 - Nonroad SI ICE ≤ 19 kW
40 CFR 94 - Marine CI ICE
40 CFR 1048 - Large nonroad SI ICE >19 kW
40 CFR 1054 - Small nonroad SI ICE ≤ 19 kW
40 CFR 1060 - New and in-use nonroad and stationary equipment
40 CFR 1065 - Engine testing procedures (CI ICE and SI ICE)
40 CFR 1068 - General compliance provisions for nonroad programs
Regulations and Federal Registers: eCFR Subpart JJJJ [ecfr.gov]
(See attached file: 4J - Fed. Reg. 2022-08-10 - Final Rule.pdf)
(See attached file: 4I & 4J Fed. Reg. 2013-01-30 - Final Rule.pdf)

(See attached file: 4I & 4J Fed. Reg. 2012-06-07 - Proposed Rule.pdf)

(See attached file: 4I & 4J Fed. Reg. 2011-06-28 - Final Rule.pdf)

(See attached file: 4I & 4J Fed. Reg. 2010-06-08 - Proposed Rule.pdf)

(See attached file: 4J - Fed. Reg. 2008-01-18 - Final Rule.pdf)

(See attached file: 4J - Fed. Reg. 2006-06-12 - Proposed Rule.pdf)

SizeFile Name
268 KB 4J - Fed. Reg. 2022-08-10 - Final Rule.pdf
638 KB 4I & 4J Fed. Reg. 2013-01-30 - Final Rule.pdf
522 KB 4I & 4J Fed. Reg. 2012-06-07 - Proposed Rule.pdf
273 KB 4I & 4J Fed. Reg. 2011-06-28 - Final Rule.pdf
194 KB 4I & 4J Fed. Reg. 2010-06-08 - Proposed Rule.pdf
304 KB 4J - Fed. Reg. 2008-01-18 - Final Rule.pdf
319 KB 4J - Fed. Reg. 2006-06-12 - Proposed Rule.pdf
FAQs, Fact Sheets, and Rule Summaries: EPA's Spark Ignition Engine Website [epa.gov] - Contains federal register notices and technical information

EPA Sponsored Combustion Portal [combustionportal.org] - Federal & state compliance information & sustainability content for combustion processes

TCEQ Flowchart [tceq.texas.gov]

National Security Exemption
(See attached file: National Security Exemption.pdf) (File size 12 KB)https://www.epa.gov/stationary-sources-air-pollution/stationary-gas-and-combustion-turbines-new-source-performance

SizeFile Name
12 KB National Security Exemption.pdf
Other Information and Resources:
Page Last Updated: 2/15/23