NSPS Notebook
Equipment Leaks of VOC in the Synthetic Organic Chemicals Manufacturing Industry -  Subpart VV

Applicability: eCFR Subpart VV [ecfr.gov]

This subpart applies to:
  1. Affected facilities in the synthetic organic chemicals manufacturing industry that commenced construction, modification, or reconstruction after Jan 5, 1981 and on or before Nov 7, 2006.
Addition or replacement of equipment for the purpose of process improvement that is accomplished without a capital expenditure is not, by itself, considered a modification.
Affected facilities:
  1. Components assembled and connected by pipes or ducts to process raw and to produce, as intermediate or final products, any of the chemicals listed in 60.489.
    1. Includes any feed, intermediate, or final product storage vessels; product transfer racks; and connected ducts and piping.
  2. Any of the following in VOC service:
    1. Pumps;
    2. Compressors;
    3. Pressure relief devices in gas/vapor service;
    4. Sampling connection systems;
    5. Open-ended valves or lines;
    6. Valves;
    7. Flanges;
    8. Other connectors.
  3. Any devices or systems required by this subpart.
Note: Affected facilities that commenced construction, reconstruction, or modification after Nov 7, 2006 are subject to NSPS VVa.

Partially exempt from this subpart*:
  1. Affected facilities with a design capacity of less than 1,000 Mg/year (1,102 tons/year) of chemicals applicable to this subpart.
  2. Affected facilities that produce heavy chemicals only from heavy liquid feed or raw materials.
  3. Affected facilities that produce beverage alcohol.
  4. Affected facilities with no equipment in VOC service.
*These facilities must maintain records as required in 40 CFR 60.486 (i). Please see the rule text for full details.
Known Sources in NDEE Jurisdiction:
Date of Original Final Rule: 10/18/83
Amendments Dates: 06/02/2008 (73 FR 31375)
11/16/2007 (72 FR 64860)
12/14/2000 (65 FR 78268)
10/17/2000 (65 FR 61744)
06/12/1996 (61 FR 29878)
08/18/1995 (60 FR 43258)
06/27/1989 (54 FR 27016)
02/14/1989 (54 FR 6678)
01/21/1986 (51 FR 2702)
06/29/1984 (49 FR 26738)
05/30/1984 (49 FR 22607)
State Regulations: Title 129, Chapter 12, Section 001.50

Previously: Chapter 18, Section 001.14
Federal Regulations: 40 CFR 60.480
Related Rules:

NSPS - 40 CFR Part 60

Subpart VVa - SOCMI Equipment Leaks (after Nov 7, 2006)
Subparts DDD, III, NNN, RRR - Other SOCMI equipment

NESHAP - 40 CFR Part 63
Subpart FFFF - Misc. organic chemical production & processes (MON),
Subparts F/G/H - HON (hazardous organic NESHAP),
Subpart DDDDDD - Polyvinyl chloride and copolymers production,
Subpart U/W/JJJ/OOO - Polymers & Resins
Subpart XX - Ethylene mfg,
Subpart PPP - Polyether polyols production,
Subpart HHHHH - Miscellaneous coating mfg,
Subpart VVVVVV - Chemical mfg,
Subpart BBBBBBB - Chemical preparation
Subpart CCCCCCC - Paints and allied products mfg
Subpart HHHHHHH - Polyvinyl Chloride & Copolymers Production
Subpart F - Equipment Leaks
Regulations and Federal Registers: eCFR Subpart VV [ecfr.gov]

(See attached file: 2V-2Va - Fed. Reg. 2008-06-02 - Stay.pdf)

(See attached file: 2V-2Va - Fed. Reg. 2007-11-16 - Final Rule.pdf)

(See attached file: 2V - Fed. Reg. 1986-01-21 - Final Rule.pdf)

SizeFile Name
47 KB 2V-2Va - Fed. Reg. 2008-06-02 - Stay.pdf
341 KB 2V-2Va - Fed. Reg. 2007-11-16 - Final Rule.pdf
1,566 KB 2V - Fed. Reg. 1986-01-21 - Final Rule.pdf
FAQs, Fact Sheets, and Rule Summaries: TCEQ Flowchart
(See attached file: TCEQ Flowchart NSPS VV.pdf)

SizeFile Name
120 KB TCEQ Flowchart NSPS VV.pdf
Other Information and Resources:
Page Last Updated: 12/21/22