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New permit for Green Acres Recycling Materials Recovery Facility
June 21, 2018
July 21, 2018

for Green Acres Recycling Materials Recovery Facility
under consideration by the
Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality

PUBLIC NOTICE is given in accordance with Title 132 - Integrated Solid Waste Management Regulations, Chapter 2, §011, that the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality (NDEQ) has received an application for a new permit for Eco Storage Investments, LLC to own and operate the Green Acres Materials Recovery Facility, 3701 Dahlman Ave., Omaha, NE. After review of the permit application, a preliminary determination has been made to recommend issuance of the permit.

FACILITY DESCRIPTION. The permit allows for the operation of a solid waste management facility at which solid waste is processed for the purpose of resource recovery. Materials not recovered shall be sent on to either a permitted solid waste transfer station or permitted municipal solid waste landfill.

FACILITY LOCATION. The property is located at 3701 Dahlman Ave., Omaha, NE. The legal description of Green Acres Recycling Materials Recovery Facility is the NW ¼ SE ¼ Section 33 Township 15 North Range 13 East of the 6th Principal Meridian Douglas County Nebraska.

OPPORTUNITY FOR PUBLIC COMMENT AND HEARING. The public may submit written comments and may also request a public hearing on the permitting decision. A request for a hearing must be made in writing and state the issues proposed for discussion and their relation to the proposed permit. Public comments and hearing requests shall be made to: David Haldeman, Land Division Administrator, Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 98922, Lincoln, NE 68509-8922.

The NDEQ will make a final decision to issue or deny the permit based on the permit application of the Green Acres Recycling Materials Recovery Facililty, and public comment received. NDEQ will publish notice of the final decision and notify the applicant and other interested persons.

COMMENT PERIOD. All comments or requests for a hearing must be postmarked by July 21, 2018.

RECORDS AVAILABILITY. Copies of the draft permit, legal notice and administrative record are available at the W. Dale Clark Library, 215 S 15th Street, Omaha, NE; at the NDEQ Omaha Field Office, 8901 S 154th, Suite 5, Omaha, NE; and at the Lincoln headquarters of the NDEQ, 1200 N Street, Suite 400, The Atrium, Lincoln, NE between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on weekdays. Materials may be viewed online at Select "Public Notices" and then "Waste Management".

SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION. Persons with a disability and needing accommodation should notify the Department by calling (402) 471-2186. TDD relay service users should call (800) 833-7352 and ask the relay operator to call the Department at (402) 471-2186.

FURTHER INFORMATION. Interested parties may obtain additional information from William Gidley, Waste Management Section Supervisor (402) 471-4210.


The Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality (NDEQ) is providing public notice of its intent to issue a permit to Eco Storage Investments, LLC to own and operate the Green Acres Recycling Materials Recovery Facility, 3701 Dahlman Ave., Omaha, NE. This fact sheet provides information on the materials recovery facility, the type of waste processed the site, monitoring of the facility, permit conditions, a description of the public participation procedures, and the Department contact person.

I. Facility Description, Location and Purpose
The Green Acres Recycling Materials Recovery Facility is located at the NW ¼ SE ¼ Section 33 Township 15 North Range 13 East of the 6th Principal Meridian Douglas County Nebraska. The purpose of the facility is to process solid waste for resource recovery as described in Title 132 – Integrated Solid Waste Management Regulations, Chapter 6.

II. Facility Monitoring
The facility will be inspected on an annual basis for compliance with Title 132.

III. Proposed Permit Conditions
The Department may impose general and special conditions in a permit as may be necessary to accomplish the purposes of applicable laws and regulations, and as may be necessary to ensure compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and standards. The conditions are part of the permit and are to be met by the Green Acres Recycling Materials Recovery Facility.

IV. Procedures
This permit is to be in accordance with Title 132 - Integrated Solid Waste Management Regulations, as well as the Nebraska Environmental Protection Act and the Integrated Solid Waste Management Act.

After Departmental review of the application and development of a draft permit to include appropriate compliance conditions, a preliminary permit determination will be made by the Director.

Public notice of the preliminary determination to issue a permit is made by legal notice in the newspaper in the geographical area of the activity. Any person has thirty (30) days from the date of the publication of the notice to provide the Director with written comments or to request a public hearing.

After the public comment period of thirty days, and any public hearing, the Director shall make a final decision. The applicant and other interested people shall be notified of this decision.

A petition for a contested case may be filed within thirty (30) days of the Director’s decision in accordance with the provisions of Title 115 of the Nebraska Administrative Code.

IV. Contact
Copies of the draft permit, legal notice and administrative record pertaining to the solid waste management facility are available at the W. Dale Clark Library, 215 S 15th Street, Omaha, NE; the NDEQ Field Office, 8901 S 154th Street, Suite 5, Omaha, NE; and at the Lincoln office of the NDEQ, 1200 ‘N’ Street, Suite 400, the Atrium, Lincoln, NE 68509-8922. Further information may be obtained from Morgan Leibrandt, Waste Management Section, Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality, Suite 400, the Atrium, 1200 ‘N’ Street, P.O. Box 98922, Lincoln, Nebraska 69509-8922, phone (402) 471-4210.