Recordkeeping for
Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations
Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO) must keep records as specified in Title 130, “Livestock Waste Control Regulations,” Chapter 12, and the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. Following is a further explanation of some of the requirements.
For Large CAFOs
The following clarifies some sections of Title 130, Chapter 12.
001.01 Weekly inspections should check for plugged pipes and other devices that transport waste, obstructions in the diversions (i.e., tree branches), excessive erosion soil, and other debris that may plug the diversion.
001.02 Inspection of the water lines should include any leakage in the pipes, joint leakage, conditions of pipes (such as corrosion), and any other abnormalities that may occur.
001.04 The irrigation system should be monitored at least daily while in use for proper operation, and to ensure that no discharges from the irrigation system have occurred. Any irrigation distribution system for land application of animal wastes and the water source protection equipment (Title 130, Chapter 10) must be inspected prior to operation.
001.05 The inspection is to determine sludge depth and note the remaining capacity based on the maximum sludge level.
004.02 In addition to recording the depth of the waste in the livestock waste control facility, indicate whether that level is above or below the:
± 25-year/24-hour rainfall event capacity for the open lot (“must pump” level), “winter pump down” level
± Also, check for sufficient storage for 180 days for the lagoons and deep pits prior to winter
004.04 The record of mortalities shall include the number and type of species; mortality date; disposal method; disposal location; and disposal date.
± Chemical recording shall include the chemical storage location, chemical usage date, and disposal method, location, and date of the chemical containers.
004.10 Weather condition records of 24 hours prior to, during, and 24 hours after, land application must be kept by CAFOs. Weather information must include the high and low temperatures, wind direction in degrees or to the 1/6 of the compass (i.e., N for North, NW for Northwest), precipitation and whether cloudy or sunny.
004.18 Record keeping shall include the type of equipment inspected, the type of repairs required (if any) and the date(s) of repairs.
For Medium and Small CAFOs
Livestock waste control facilities at small and medium concentrated animal feeding operations are to be inspected at least once per month. Any irrigation distribution system for land application of animal wastes and the water source protection equipment (Title 130, Chapter 10) must be inspected prior to operation and periodically monitored while in use to make sure that the system and equipment is operating as intended.
Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy
Agriculture Section
P.O. Box 98922
Lincoln, NE 68509-8922