Air Quality Construction Permits (CP) and Air Quality Operating Permits (OP) contain standard, general, and specific conditions. The Standard Conditions (I) and General Conditions (II) are requirements that apply to a wide variety of sources of air pollutants and are not typically subject to frequent change. Specific Conditions (III) are tailored to a particular facility, source, or air pollutant and may change with each permitting action depending on the changes needed for the current permitting action.
The Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE) Air Program has unified and streamlined the standard and general conditions that apply to most all sources of air pollution subject to air quality permitting. That part of a permit (standard and general conditions) should be consistent regardless of the source. This standardization helps to maintain consistency between permitting actions and helps reduce or eliminate the need for additional review, comment, or changes to those standard or general conditions during the permitting process. Documents listing the standard and general conditions for Construction Permits and Operating Permits may be downloaded from web page
Specific Conditions are not included in the attached documents as Specific Conditions address facility-specific items. Please note that in some limited cases Specific Conditions can supersede or provide exceptions to requirements in the Standard and General Conditions. Please let the NDEE know when you apply for an air quality permit if you think there is a Standard or General Condition that needs to be addressed in a Specific Condition for your facility. Include your justification and any supporting information needed to support your request.
An example of where a Specific Condition might be appropriate to provide an exception to a Standard Condition would be the requirement in Standard Condition I, Section (H)(2), which specifies the compilation of monthly records no later than the 15th day of the month. You may routinely receive your natural gas bill on or after the 16th day of the month, so it may be appropriate in your permit application to provide your reason and request a different day of the month that affords you the time you need to compile the record.
This document is subject to periodic review and update. Please check the NDEE website for the most current version before you apply for an Air Quality Permit. Please use the contact information below to contact us with your comments or suggestions.
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Produced by: Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy, P.O. Box 98922, Lincoln, NE 68509-8922; phone (402) 471-2186. To view this and other information related to our agency, visit our web site at This material is intended for guidance purposes only. It is not meant to substitute for the regulations specified in the document, or any other applicable Nebraska environmental regulations. |