The purpose of this document is to provide guidance for companies and individuals conducting air-quality performance tests for compliance determination in the State of Nebraska. It is intended to serve as a reference guide. It will assist in planning and preparing for testing, conducting the test, and preparing a complete and accurate report. This document will help ensure consistent quality and documentation for stack tests conducted in Nebraska.
This guidance is not intended to supersede any specific requirements of the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA’s) Test Methods. Nor does it relieve a facility from fulfilling their obligations as described by their permit and the applicable county, state, and/or federal rules and regulations. Many of the concepts underlying this guidance come from the EPA's "Quality Assurance Handbook for Air Pollution Measurement Systems: Volume III. Stationary Sources Specific Methods," document number EPA/600/R-94/038c, dated April 1994. Test companies are encouraged to become familiar with this document. |