The NPDES Pesticides General Permit was signed October 29, 2021, and becomes effective November 1, 2021. A PDF of the “General NPDES Permit Number NEP 110000 for Pesticides Applications To, Over or Near Waters of the State of Nebraska,” can be found above. In the table above is a Fact Sheet and Flow Chart related to this general permit.
This NPDES general permit is issued in compliance with the provisions of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C. Secs. 1251 et. seq. as amended to date), the Nebraska Environmental Protection Act (Neb. Rev. Stat. Secs. 81-1501 et. seq. as amended to date), and the Rules and Regulations promulgated pursuant to these Acts. Application may be made under this general permit for authorization to discharge pesticides and their residuals to, over, or near, waters of the State of Nebraska. Owners, Operators, and Applicators issued a discharge authorization under this general permit are required to comply with the limits, requirements, prohibitions, and conditions set forth herein. Authorization under this general permit does not relieve Applicators or Permittees of other duties and responsibilities under the Nebraska Environmental Protection Act, as amended, or established by regulations promulgated pursuant thereto.
Note: Effective Oct. 1, 2009, any individual submitting any application or form that would derive public benefit from the state must also fill out a United States Citizenship Attestation form. This applies to individuals submitting the forms on their own behalf. If applicable, please fill out the United States Citizenship Attestation form below and submit it with the relevant applications and forms.
United States Citizenship Attestation Form
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