Air Toxics Notebook
Steel Pickling Plants (HCl Process & Hydrochloric Acid Regeneration) -  Subpart CCC

Applicability: eCFR Subpart CCC []

This subpart applies to:
  1. Affected facilities at any of the following that are Major Sources of HAPs*:
    1. Steel pickling facilities that pickle carbon steel using hydrochloric acid (HCl) solution containing at least 6% HCl by weight at 100 ºF;
    2. HCl regeneration plants.
Affected facilities:
  1. Continuous and batch pickling lines;
  2. Hydrochloric acid regeneration plants;
  3. Hydrochloric acid storage vessels.

*Major Sources of HAPs emit or have the potential to emit:
  • ≥ 10 tons/year of any single HAP; or
  • ≥ 25 tons/year of total HAPs.
  • Area Sources emit less than Major Sources.

Not subject to this subpart:
  1. Facilities that pickle carbon steel without using HCl;
  2. Facilities that pickle only specialty steel;
  3. Acid regeneration plants that do not regenerate HCl.
Rules apply to small, area sources? No
Known Sources in NDEQ Jurisdiction: No
Date of Original Final Rule: 6/22/99
Amendments Dates: 09/19/2012 - Final Rule
04/20/2006 - Final Rule; Amendments
06/23/2003 - Final Rule; Amendments
06/22/1999 - Final Rule
State Regulations (Title 129): As of September 28, 2022: Title 129, Chatper 13, 002.39

Previously: Title 129, Chapter 28, Section 001.37.

Sources are also responsible for ensuring they are in compliance with current federal requirements found for this subpart in the CFR.
Federal Regulations: 40 CFR 63.1155
Related Rules:

NSPS - 40 CFR Part 60

Subpart AA & AAa - Electric Arc Furnaces
Subpart N & Na - Primary & Secondary Emissions from Basic Oxygen Process
NESHAP - 40 CFR Part 63
Subpart EEEEE - Iron & Steel Foundries
Subpart FFFFF - Integrated Iron & Steel
Subpart YYYYY - Electric Arc Furnaces (Area Sources)
Subpart ZZZZZ - Iron & Steel Foundries (Area Sources)
Regulations and Federal Registers:
eCFR Subpart CCC []

(See attached file: 3C - Fed. Reg. 2012-09-19 - Final Rule.pdf)

(See attached file: 3C - Fed. Reg. 2006-04-20 - Amendments.pdf)

(See attached file: 3C - Fed. Reg. 2003-06-23 - Amendments.pdf)

(See attached file: 3C - Fed. Reg. 1999-06-22 - Final Rule.pdf)

SizeFile Name
584 KB 3C - Fed. Reg. 2012-09-19 - Final Rule.pdf
291 KB 3C - Fed. Reg. 2006-04-20 - Amendments.pdf
281 KB 3C - Fed. Reg. 2003-06-23 - Amendments.pdf
255 KB 3C - Fed. Reg. 1999-06-22 - Final Rule.pdf
Important Dates:
FAQs, Fact Sheets, and Rule Summaries: EPA's Subpart CCC Website [] - contains federal register notices and implementation tools
Presentations, Training and Articles:
Other Information and Resources:
Page Last Updated: 11/1/22