Air Toxics Notebook
Integrated Iron & Steel -  Subpart FFFFF

Applicability: eCFR Subpart FFFFF []

This subpart applies to new and existing major sources of HAP for sinter plants, blast furnaces, and basic oxygen process furnace shop plants that produce steel from iron ore.
Rules apply to small, area sources? No
Known Sources in NDEQ Jurisdiction: No
Date of Original Final Rule: 5/20/03
Amendments Dates: 07/13/2020 - Final Rule
08/16/2019 - Proposed Rule
07/13/2006 - Final Rule
05/20/2003 - Final Rule
State Regulations (Title 129): As of September 28, 2022: Title 129, Chapter 13, Section 002.82

Previously: Title 129, Chapter 28, Section 001.72.

Sources are also responsible for ensuring they are in compliance with current federal requirements found for this subpart in the CFR.
Federal Regulations: 40 CFR 63.7780
Related Rules:

NSPS - 40 CFR Part 60

Subpart AA & AAa - Electric Arc Furnaces
Subpart N & Na - Primary & Secondary Emissions from Basic Oxygen Process

NESHAP - 40 CFR Part 63
Subpart CCC - Steel Pickling
Subpart EEEEE - Iron & Steel Foundries
Subpart YYYYY - Electric Arc Furnaces (area sources)
Subpart ZZZZZ - Iron & Steel Foundries (area sources)
Regulations and Federal Registers:
eCFR Subpart FFFFF []
(See attached file: 5F - Fed. Reg. 2020-07-13 - Final Rule.pdf)
(See attached file: 5F - Fed. Reg. 2019-08-16 - Proposed Rules.pdf)
(See attached file: 5F - Fed. Reg. 2006-07-13 - Final Rule.pdf)

(See attached file: 5F - Fed. Reg. 2003-05-20 - Final Rule.pdf)

SizeFile Name
547 KB 5F - Fed. Reg. 2020-07-13 - Final Rule.pdf
604 KB 5F - Fed. Reg. 2019-08-16 - Proposed Rules.pdf
193 KB 5F - Fed. Reg. 2006-07-13 - Final Rule.pdf
311 KB 5F - Fed. Reg. 2003-05-20 - Final Rule.pdf
Important Dates:
FAQs, Fact Sheets, and Rule Summaries: EPA's Subpart FFFFF Website [] - contains federal register notices and implementation tools
Presentations, Training and Articles:
Other Information and Resources:
Page Last Updated: 11/2/22