Air Toxics Notebook
Perchloroethylene Dry Cleaners -  Subpart M

Applicability: eCFR Subpart M []

This subpart applies to:
  1. Owners and operators of dry cleaning facilities that use perchloroethylene ("Perc").

Not subject to this subpart:
  1. All coin-operated dry cleaning machines.
Rules apply to small, area sources? Yes
Known Sources in NDEQ Jurisdiction: (See attached file: 1M - Initial Notifications Received - 2013-08-19.pdf)
SizeFile Name
285 KB 1M - Initial Notifications Received - 2013-08-19.pdf
Date of Original Final Rule: 9/22/93
Amendments Dates:
1/5/2022 - Correction Notice - technology review
12/1/2021 - Proposed Rule
07/11/2008 - Withdrawn Direct Final Rule and Final Action on Proposed Rule
04/01/2008 - Proposed Rule and Direct Final Rule
09/21/2006 - Federal Register Correction
07/27/2006 - Final Rule
12/19/2005 - Proposed Rule
06/23/2003 - Final Rule; Clarification
12/14/1999 - Final Rule; Amendments
09/19/1996 - Final Amendments to Rule
06/03/1996 - Final Rule
12/20/1993 - FInal Rule
State Regulations (Title 129): Title 129, Chapter 13, Section 002.06

Previously: Chapter 28, Section 001.09.

Sources are also responsible for ensuring they are in compliance with current federal requirements found for this subpart in the CFR.
Federal Regulations: 40 CFR 63.320
Related Rules:

NSPS - 40 CFR Part 60

Subpart JJJ - Petroleum Solvent Dry Cleaners

NESHAP - 40 CFR Part 63
Subpart T - Halogenated Cleaning Machines
Regulations and Federal Registers:
eCFR Subpart M []

Compliance Status Notification Form

(See attached file: 1M - Compliance Status Notification Form.docx)(See attached file: 1M - Compliance Status Notification Form.pdf)

SizeFile Name
35 KB 1M - Compliance Status Notification Form.docx
156 KB 1M - Compliance Status Notification Form.pdf
Important Dates:
(See attached file: 1M - Important Dates.pdf)

SizeFile Name
11 KB 1M - Important Dates.pdf
FAQs, Fact Sheets, and Rule Summaries:
EPA’s Subpart M Website []– federal register notices, amendments, fact sheets, implementation tools, and resources

Presentations, Training and Articles:
Other Information and Resources:
Page Last Updated: 2/7/23